Treating Students as Students & Not Projects

 Thank you to Doug for inviting me to speak at Synergy. These are the speaking notes from the breakout session, Treating Students as Students and Not Projects.

1       Relationships are the key to ministry

a.   I am the chief cultural engineer.  If relationship is important to me I will be important to everyone.

b.   Ryan P. concept


2       Hand away respect for free.

a.   Do not take someone elses evaluation

b.   Don’t disrespect students


3       Expectation vs rules

a.   Rules: When you establish rules to fix one person

b.   Expectations:  Elevates everyone


4       GPS: Go to where they are

a.   School Lunch/ Games/ Plays/ etc

b.   Phone calls vs text


5       Games:

a.   Tell me 5 things about you that I do not know

b.   One word question game


6       Posture: Speak up to them

a.   Do you like to be spoken down to?

b.   Are you developing someone or babysitting them?


7       The most powerful words in my vocabulary

a.   Disappointed

b.   Disrespect

c.   Can’t (dont say it around me unless you really tried)


8       Love:  Genuinely love students. 

a.   Students know if you care

b.   They dont care how much you know once they know you care


9       Goal:  Keeping the end goal in mind

a.   They want affirmation, attention and affection

b.   Jesus wants them.  So he gives them affirmation, attention and affection.  Got it?


10   Make Disciples

a.   We are not called to change the world

b.   We are called to make disciples.  (Everyone of the gospels give this in parallel.)